Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thought to help in the day to enjoy from under the rising voices

November 2, 1920, the United States, an engineer its communications to the public broadcast radio for the first time out Wolunhading elected president of news, that shocked the nation. People suddenly realized that the rapid spread of wireless broadcast capabilities, and this day was designated as World Day of Broadcasting. The emergence of broadcast people's lives become more colorful, more closely linked with the world, 1933, the four fireside chats, Roosevelt showed the power of broadcasting, and in August 1945, the Japanese emperor announced surrender of sound, but also pass through them to the world. Broadcasting popular, of course, it's capable hero - a credit to the radio, cheap radio to broadcast into every household, rich cultural life of each person. Dongguan Shijie Sheng Electronics Factory is the production on the factory radio, recently found a day thinking it, so that day thinking it joined the ranks.

Sunrise is a large electronics factory, covering an area of 20,000 square meters, has nine production lines, more than 1,400 employees, the main production "Sunrise Po" brand radios and a variety of CD, a total of more than 30 series, 100 varieties. Sunrise QC staff to strictly implement the ISO 9001:2000 quality management system to ensure that their products comply with CE, CCC and FCC standards. Sunrise products are good quality, appearance by a variety of patents, an excellent market reputation, not only the domestic marketing, but also popular in many countries and regions.

Do not think of television will replace the newspaper and radio, and do not think that would undermine the popularity of Internet radio's power.鐩稿弽锛屽湪鐜颁唬绱у紶鐨勯兘甯傜敓娲讳腑锛屼汉浠湪蹇欑鍦板伐浣滅潃锛岄殢鐫?敓娲昏妭濂忕殑鍔犲揩锛屾瘡涓汉鐨勫伐浣滃拰鐢熸椿鍘嬪姏瓒婃潵瓒婂ぇ锛屼负浜嗙紦鍜岃繖浜涚簿绁炲帇鍔涳紝鎴戜滑瑕佸浼氳皟鑺傝嚜宸憋紝璁╄嚜宸辫兘澶熻交鏉俱?鎰夊揩鍦板伐浣滅敓娲汇?灏忓皬鐨勬敹闊虫満鍙互璋冭瘯鍑鸿嚜宸卞枩娆㈢殑鑺傜洰鏉ワ紝鍚潃涓绘寔浜鸿交鑴嗘偊鑰崇殑璇濊锛屽彲浠ヨ鐤叉儷鐨勫績鍙樺緱杞绘澗璧锋潵銆傚湪鐜颁唬锛屽箍鎾彈鍒版洿澶氫汉鐨勬杩庯紝鏀堕煶鏈轰緷鐒剁晠閿?紝鏃ュ崌鐨勪笟鍔′篃瓒婂仛瓒婂ぇ銆?br />
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